New Year Resolutions

The 1st of January adds a degree of excitement when it comes to setting new goals, whether they are CrossFit goals, general fitness goals, work goals or life goals.

Although the whole ‘new year, new me’ saying is a massive cliche, there is a certain element of sense behind starting a New Year being a chance to wipe the slate clean of anything that has previously prevented you from reaching your goals.

Here’s my advice on setting (and achieving!) New Years resolutions.

1. Make them specific, measurable and realistic

If you make your goals too fluffy they will feel far less achievable than if you state exactly what you want to achieve. Equally, if your goals are unrealistic you will only be demotivated by lack of progress.

Instead of saying you want to ‘shed some body fat in 2023’, state the amount of weight you would like to lose or your target weight for the end of 2023.

If your goals are CrossFit specific state what movement you want to master and to what scale. For instance you want to ‘lift xx kg over head’, or you want to ‘deadlift xx kg’. If you want to master the handstand, how long do you want to be able to hold it for?

If you want to be able to do a workout ‘RX’ which workout do you want to focus on and what specific movements, lifts and weights does that involve?

2. Write your goals down

Don’t just tell yourself your goals then keep them stowed away inside your head. Write them down in a journal, on a sticky note somewhere you will see them daily - or better still on a white board in the gym! Make them visible, so that you see them often, as a reminder of what you’re working towards.

3. Work out a progress plan

Whether your goals are to achieve greatness in or outside of the gym; you can’t just write down a goal, walk away, and expect to get results.

Your resolutions are your ‘outcome goals’. You need to work out a progress plan to achieve them and set some ‘progress goals’ along the way for the best chance of success. Your progress goals will be the individual steps you need to achieve to reach your main goal.

4. Make someone accountable

There’s something about having to answer to another person for your actions that motivates you to stay on track with your goals.

When you start showing up regularly at Crossfit Bosham with the same group of people, they expect you to be there and look forward to working out with you. You feel accountable to them and to your’s a great way of staying on track.

5. Ask for help

If you’ve got a fitness or CrossFit goal you want to achieve in 2023, ask me or one of the other coaches how to achieve it! We want nothing more than to see you smash it and can help you put a progress plan in place. All you need to do is keep turning up to CrossFit and we’ll make sure you reach your goal.

If you haven’t joined CrossFit Bosham yet then make doing your fundamentals the first step in reaching your goals. There are two courses starting in the first week of January, get yourself signed up and let's smash those new year resolutions together!

Peace and Love.



‘Two Years in’…Featured in the Chichester Observer


‘Pumping weights could help you live longer’