What’s on Offer?


Each CrossFit class consists of a mixture of Olympic weightlifting, powerlifting, gymnastics, and cardio. Typically, a class is broken up into three parts: a warmup, a skill or strength element, then a workout of the day (WOD). The warmup is tailored to the skill or strength component, so you and your body are prepared for what comes next.

Workouts are scaled to each person’s abilities so whether you’re a beginner or seasoned CrossFitter, you are all working out together to inspire and motivate each other. 


Our Bootcamp on a Tuesday evening and Saturday morning is open to anyone (members and non-members) and is a fun and inclusive environment. 

The class is designed to incorporate a variety of exercises, including strength and conditioning movements, and cardio to give you a full body workout, challenge you and improve your overall fitness. 

We don’t do any Olympic weightlifting at Bootcamp, but you can still scale the exercises to push yourself, whatever your ability or fitness level. 

Location: CrossFit Bosham, Delling Lane. 

Every Saturday. 8:00-9:00

Location: Bosham Cricket Pitch (meet at Bosham Crossfit Car Park at 6:35pm)

Every Tuesday. 6:45-7:45

£5 a session
Memberships available 
All abilities

Book a drop-in session here

Sign up for the unlimited bootcamps here

Speciality Classes


A session focusing on developing your foundation barbell strength. On lifts such us as Deadlifts, Squats and Presses with the odd heavy carry in the mix.


A session looking to get the heart pumping and lungs burning, building your pacing, strategy, recovery and capacity within metabolic conditioning based workouts.

Olympic Weight Lifting

A session focusing on the form, technique and progression of the Olympic Lifts: Snatch and Clean & Jerk.

Competition CrossFit

A session looking to prepare the CrossFitter wanting to compete at any and all levels from Scaled to Elite. Whether experienced or inexperienced, we’re here to develop all aspects of CrossFit from skill, strength and ability to strategy, pacing, mindset and nutrition.


A session designed to develop and increase skill, strength and capacity within the higher skilled movements of CrossFit. Such as handstands, muscle ups and toes to bar.


A session designed to increase your range-of-motion, control muscles surrounding each joint, and help you move more actively.


Our Masters classes are aimed at people over 50 years of age. They include an extensive warm up and focus on the scaling of workouts to improve strength, technique, and flexibility, regardless of ability. 

Masters’ classes are perfect for those looking to get moving after prolonged inactivity or coming back from surgery/injury, or for those wanting to increase their quality of life in their later years. 


Find out more about CrossFit Bosham Juniors here.

Contact me.

Derek Garner
07515 441605

Unit 5 Southfields Ind Park, Delling Lane, Bosham, PO18 8NW