The CrossFit Open - Our Highlights

Three curated workouts over three weekends, designed to test and push all areas of fitness. This year saw three GASSY workouts! Here are some highlights from CrossFit Bosham.


Our first open, and many of our clients first open! 7 guys & 7 girls from our ranks took them on and gave 110%.

The Open often leads you to trying movements you wouldn’t normally try, which allows for some surprise ‘firsts’. Our resident Frenchy Jeff got his unassisted pull ups hitting the masters version on 22.3. Another first was Al getting his first bar muscle up!! Yes! Comically this was in the practice beforehand, and he didn’t make it that far in the WOD.

Funny Movements

Wall walks, they make me laugh! When you’re resting you just look like you’ve landed flat on your face from 10ft and I have visions of us all crowding round Joe screaming at him, as he he’s just lying on his face!


At first glance, I have to be honest, I thought this was a bit of a ‘meghh’. How wrong I was! The spice level on that thing was HIGH! Seeing some HUGE efforts from Mione and Sindbab for hitting that RX and smashing it.

The open is fantastic way to bench mark your fitness. I’ve entered 5 years on the trot now and have finished higher each time, reaching the quarter finals for the first time this year! How’s that for calibrating progress?!

Check out the leaderboards here, and hit me up to get training for the 2023 CrossFit Open!


Why do I do CrossFit?


The CrossFit Open